Thursday, July 9, 2020

Contents of Stickiness!

Welcome to my sims blog!

I'm Shannon/Shan. I'm currently playing Sims 4, Stardew Valley and Minecraft. 

You're likely to find a challenge that gets abandoned because my ADHD self cannot keep track of life as it is, but hey, hobbies are fun. I also knit, crochet, and sew so I might use this for minor life updates as well. I have two cats and a spouse who puts up with my shannonagins. 

I make and sell chocolate and fudge by day, torture sims by night. It's not much, but it's a living. Somehow. 

Get comfy, grab snacks and a drink, kick back and relax. Enjoy the show!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Very Caffeinated Legacy: Generation 1: Spring

A Very Caffeinated Legacy

A Sims 4 Legacy

Generation 1: Spring

"Not So Alone"

Hello again to A Very Caffeinated Legacy. This is a Sims 4 Extreme Start Legacy challenge featuring my simself! Obviously, I have issues with torturing my simself.

Some basic information: 
Extreme Legacy Start is starting on a 64x64 lot with $8,000 or so in the bank, then you buy this giant suit of armor to display proudly and you start from 0. You can't spend any money until you buy the suit. Oh, and it's also wintertime.

Last chapter, we saw SimShan pass out in the middle of a blizzard, blow up her bush with "fertilizer", hang out in gyms with nothing but a towel on, and some nifty hints and tips for couch surfing. If you ever want to try it, gyms are a godsend. You can also steal food/drinks from unsuspecting patrons of bars and cafes.
Somehow, SimShan made it out alive and it is time for Spring.

We start the spring by being invited out to a bar at 8 am by our friendly neighborhood vampire, Caleb. If you saw the last chapter, they've already kissed.
"Shut up and let me make out in peace."
"Who are you talking to Shan?"
"Just the voice in the sky, if you're lucky you'll escape having her nagging constantly."
I wouldn't call it nagging, I would call it more along the lines of narrating, always narrating.

They had a nice little make out session and then Caleb disappeared. 

Then we got another call form Caleb asking to go on a date to another bar.
"Did you leave your hair straightener on or something?"
"It's cool, I've done it too."
You're being awfully nice about the ditching you.
"He has mad eyeliner skills, I'm trying to learn that shit."

I think they're cute together, so as is always the way in legacy marriages, we quickly bind them to the founder before they can run.
"Oh Caleb, I've known you only a couple days and I'm ready to spend my life with you."
"Oh Shan, I'm also ready to spend your life with you. And then when you die, I shall find myself another wife and continue our love that way."
Is this how people get when I'm with my future hubs? Cause if so, gross.

"Oh Caleb, please take this ring that I found thrown on the beach and stomped on."
That rock tho...dayumn, not bad considering they only have $73.
Caleb contributed nothing. Freeloader.

I wonder what they could be planning on doing...

Making use of our only source of x rated enjoyment I see.

"Oh you poor pup, I would take you to the vet, but we would be turned away because we're poor."
"Whimper wimper"
I think it's swamp mouth, Cashew should probably go to the vet somehow.

Caleb, being a vampire, needs some sort of plasma in his life. I get that you are a nice vampire Caleb, but I think at this point it might be best just to eat people.
"The glass is only $30."
That's great, that leaves us $3...again. 

Caleb got a job in tech career, so we headed back to the library to get some game time and programming skills up.
"Who is that voice talking to us Caleb?"
"What voice are you talking about Cateyes?"
Odd, he was just talking to me...

The plasma drink at the bar did nothing for Caleb's thirst, so now we are trying another angle. It didn't go well.
"Good evening, might I possibly be able to have a small drink?"
"Bug off."
"You will give me a small drink."
"I said BUG OFF. If you don't, I will knock your socks off vamp."

Back at the bar. *sigh*
"Alright Kabir, where you at? This is awkward."

"Hey man, can I ask a huge favor from you?"
"Yeah, go ahead."

Soooo it turns out, it works better if you're friends with the target/victim/dinner.
"That was weird man."
"Yeah, you'll get used to it."

 Back to being sickeningly sweet.

Enjoying your new bed?
"Yea Yeaaaaahhhh. Can we get like a couch, or a tv around here?"

How about we finish getting walls up first?
"We almost have 2 rooms, tv time!"
There are giant holes all around your bed, the rain will get in.
"It's good for air circulation."

Back at the library and Caleb is playing The Sims, and he's lighting them on fire.
"Die flowers die!"
He's not quite the terrifying vampire one would think.

"Oh Caleb! I missed you!"
He was gone for like two hours. Every time one of them comes home they immediately start making out. They're so cute.

"My dearest Shan, may I take a drink so I don't die?"
"Of course my love."
Shan is more than happy to give up some plasma to her husband.

Caleb unfortunately wasn't able to be totally quenched by the little Shan was willing to give, so the couple heads out to the library to skill and for Caleb to drink.
The librarian wasn't too fond of us enjoying her plasma, so we had to get a little forceful.

"Oh no. Oh no. What did I do?!? I killed her. I ended her life. I drained her of everything. I didn't want to do that!"
Maybe we were a little too forceful.
"Oh god, somebody is going to come after me."
Caleb is a guilty drinker and many of these people are very prejudiced against plasma suckers.

"Oh my sexy vampire, I love it when you knock off unwitting Townies."
Shan, you're looking a little rounder in the belly in this pic.
"Shut up."

Shan and Caleb, defiling public libraries since 2018.

Where's Caleb?
"His sexy butt is stuck on a hanger."
Maybe you should help him.
"He'll be fine. He's just got a hanger up his butt."
Oh. Ok.
He's fine.

"I missed you my love."
"I missed you. Never leave me."
You just took separate taxis home. You went out together. You were apart for five minutes.

"Bleh Bleh Bleh!"
Having fun there Caleb?
"Yup. Headed to the library while Shan is at work."
So you can hear me.
"I just choose to ignore you."

"Oh book, you're so funny. I'm just a townie who will never be played or paid attention to and you're my only friend."
*Book books*
"Hahaha! That's sooooo funnnnyyyyy."
The townies are crazy here.

Another library, another librarian.

Another butt in the air.

"I don't want to do thiiiissss!"
It's just one...hopefully.

"It's a boy! Hello little man."

"Who's my little vampire baby? Who's my little biter?"
"Hey Shan, what's his name?"
Caleb takes to little Johnny like a fish to water.

Because the spring brings the rain and cold nights, I figured it would be smart to bring the baby inside. We were able to get two walls up and extend the roof and buy a chair as well.

"Ah rain, lifeblood of the plasma fruit, lifeblood of the world. I welcome you!"
He's so cute! Every time it rains at night, he runs out to play in it.

Gratuitous lovey dovey pic. This is seriously how they greet each other after work each day.

 I think Shan needs coffee and Caleb needs plasma.
"Newborn life is hard Voice."

Caleb headed out to the local feeding ground while Shan headed to bed. Suit guy back there seems super friendly.

Let's play a game!
What is friendly suit guy reacting to?




My bet is on the cat.

Back home, Shan is planting her Love Day gifts from Caleb while I renovate the house!

In other news, they have $20 again.
But after almost 2 weeks, our lawn living days are FINALLY over.

"My love, you look like you may be expecting again."
"Yup. Knocked up again! I'm excited."
Of course you are Shan. 

Since we have a dresser now, and public closets are baby making places, we gave Caleb a makeover!
"Here comes the smolder."
Alright Eugene, you can cut it out now.

Not only did the recent promotion string allow us to be able to make an actual house happen, it gave us this! Hallelujah, we obviously have needed this this chapter. 

Shan wasted no time in getting her life blood back into her body.
"Oh sweet salvation, I can live again."

While Shan was draining her coffee pot of life, Caleb is eating random townies and leaving scars.

As retribution for turning us down for a drink earlier, nasty lady here has become the undead. Kabir's cool with it, he's kinky like that.

It's Johnny's birthday! Apparently he's a blonde.

Caleb decided to scar his eldest son by having him watch Mom push out baby number 2.

Welcome to the family! Baby number 2 is baby girl Arianna. 

With Arianna's birth, summer has started and it's time to end this chapter.

Tune in next time to see what happens next cause I honestly have no clue yet.