Friday, April 10, 2015

Happy Trails: Pretty Good At Drinkin' Beer

I wasn't born for diggin deep holes
I'm not made for pavin long roads
I aint cut out to climb high line poles
But I'm pretty good at drinkin beer
Pretty Good at Drinkin' Beer by Billy Currington

Welcome to Chapter 2 of Happy Trails!
Last chapter we met SimShan and her dismay at the current lack of indoor plumbing. Personally, I'd give up indoor plumbing for that bitchin kitchen linoleum I found. Plus, her trailer is turquoise and doesn't have any holes! And she has an easel!
We also met her wife to be, Bella Goth. Ah, yes, the elusive temptress in the red dress has earned a spot in our trailer.

When we last saw the ladies, Bella decided that she wanted to do this pure trailer park style.
In her undies, right outside the outdoor plumbing.

Oh look!  Bella is making friends.
"Oh baby, rock that fur vest."
"You know, I have other furry things that I rock."
Whoa...TMI there dude!!

Well, anyways, Bella brought in $19000 and made it possible for my dear sims to upgrade to the deluxe double wide version! They were also able to afford the junker and a standard blue pickup.
"We have water!! Yay!"

And just in time.
"I'm not ready!"
They never are. Tsk Tsk.

"But I thought I did this twice already!"
Different neighborhood, different lifetime dearie.
"I think something is wrong here..."
Don't you just love glitches? 

"Might as well do this now."
"Might as well. Can we go Woohoo now?"
 "I'm only here for the free booze."
Because both ladies were due to pop shortly, I figured now was the time to get hitched!
In attendance was our welcome wagon and the Matchmaker.
I am playing for points, and for the record, since we all know that SimShan is visibly preggers, I'm claiming the points.

Oh Jenny. I think you might like this too much.

"Oh yeah, we can dance."
Bella's "friend" from earlier gave them a stereo, so why not use it? 

"Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!! Bella!"
"BELLA!!! BABY!!!!"

"Aww she's so cute!"

Awww, what's her name?
"I think we should call her Bobbi Jo."
Cute. The downside to Bella having dark hair?
Every. Single. Baby. Will. Have. Black. Hair.

"Shan! You did it! You had a baby."
"I know! I want more."
"How many more?"
"I think we should out do that Duggar bitch."
Oh lord...the ten kid want has already shown up. Damn family sims.
 "Why would you say that you want to do this??"

"He can stay."
Everybody say hello to Earl.
*Hello Earl*

I did warn ya'll about the roaches last chapter didn't I?
Well, get used to seeing them!
"Come comrades, we must gather our forces. The sims inside must die."

"AAAAAh! Run away comrades! Meet under the stairs!"
"Die Vermin Die!!"

Fear the foot my friends. Fear the foot.

With that, I'm gonna head to bed and try to sleep. Have to work in only a few hours!
Coming up:
More babies, roaches and stink piles.

Points Earned:
+1  for every wedding party in the main house
 +2  for every heir that marries while they or their spouse are showing a baby bump.
 +2  for each legitimate pregnancy. (x2)
+10  for every 6 x 20 trailer on the lot
Current Total: 17

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